
End of a Turn!

Yes, it is another end of a Turn and I am still wandering.
Perhaps I should rename my site to Wandering Harper. But This year was a journey. I hope I continue to have adventures in my 2nd turn as Harper Journeywoman.
Pern is a big place. I will roam it all!


Back to Southern

Yes, I am back in the Southern Continent.
And it is so very hot here. I don't know how anybody's hide can stand it. My Alonzo is back in Harpers Hall. What is he doing there? Raiding the kitchen, what else? Since I had to take limited packs with me, Alonzo doesn't want to carry anything and he can't exist without tons of food. I even left my herd beast there and my trusty wagon.
Aki is expecting me at Landing in about a week. So I have time to kill. I am a currently in Cove Hold and will be taking a ship to Paradise River. A Green was so kind to offer a dragonback ride next week to Landing. Of course in exchange for my Fire-lizard snack recipe.
I should have been a trader. It's in my blood but the Harpering ways hath called me...

Anyways, it was a chance to travel. (Courtesy of Harpers Hall. hehehe)

Now, off to tanning my hidebound booty!


Fire-Lizard Itch!

There seems to be an outbreak of itchy irritation on fire-lizards. my Alonzo is suffering from ghastly itches. His neck is rubbed raw from scratching. Turtle and Blindy caught it too. It looks like an epidemic.
Oliver acquired a bit on his back and since he loves to rub himself on Aki's legs while she's in front of the computers in Landing, Aki caught it on her knees! She says it itches like crazy. And i can see from the lumps and dots that it is bad!



This is my new fire-lizard Pepper. He is a very spicy brown!

Pepper's egg was found by Alonzo. He lugged it around and brought it to me. I hoped it wouldn't be another blue like Oliver. Thank goodness, it was a brown.

Pepper is not so smart but he is very affectionate. More than Alonzo. Alonzo is only super affectionate if nobody is looking. Pepper doesn't mind being cuddled and hugged. He loves to eat (anything at all! Like a mini Watch-wher, he eats anything!) and he like being scratched on the star on his head. It's his little birth mark.

Pepper's task is usually to ferry letters to Harpers Hall. Alonzo's task is greater because he's smarter. Alonzo takes letters home and other unknown places. He hunts to small game to eat and makes sure there are no tunnel snakes.
Pepper is my barometer. When he hides inside the wagon, I know it's going to rain. When he starts to sniff the cans and the pantry, it's lunch time. He also annoys Oliver whenever he comes popping between. :-)


Brush with the Holdless

Perhaps I am a bit discriminating...
I'm not supposed to be. I'm a Harper but I can't help it.
There I was, with Alonzo and my newest Pepper (AKA Peppi-kins) giving alms to the holdless. They stole a bucket from my wagon. They tried to take everything I had. Perhaps Alonzo scared them. he does look vicious. With two Fire-lizards, I do look protected. I could always send one back to my parents and another in Harper's Hall for help.
The point is, they are unruly, undisciplined and ungroomed!!!
Perhaps it's because of the lack of education. Harpers and lessons are hard to come by and even if one gets sen their way, the Harper's Hall don't usually send adequate Harpers. One Harper for seventy children of different ages. How can they learn?
Why don't the parents discipline them and teach them something besides getting even, stealing and tricking people?

Who is to blame?

Is it the parents who teach their young bad things or teach nothing at all?
Is it Harpers Hall who fail to supply enough Harpers to the holdless? Because they favor the Major Holds and Weyr first before Holdless and small Holds.
Is it the Lord Holders'? They should have taken steps for the holdless and the family of the Shunned.
Is it the Dragonriders? They always hold themselves aloof to these people and their reality.


Dragon's Fire

Pages from the 2nd Interval, 483 After Landing

Conversations/Scenes coming from Master Harper Zist, Ex-dragonrider Mikal and 3 year old mute, Pellar.

Mikal placed three pots of paint down in between himself and Pellar. He raised his still-upright finger somehwat higher, arched his eyebrow, and made his finger dive into one of the open pots as if it were the head and neck of a flying creature. Pellar smiled and his eyes danced at the ex-dragonrider's antics. Mikal's finger zoomed out of the pot with a small dab of yellow paint. Still holding his finger upright, Mikal nodded encouragingly to Pellar.
Pellar smiled and raised the same finger on his own hand. Mikal nodded again. Gleefully, Pellar thrust his finger into a different pot and zoomed it up again, his finger bright with thick red paint.
Silently, Mikal ran his finger over the ground, leaving a yellow snake on the white stone floor. With a grin, Mikal rubbed his red tipped finger over the part of the yellow snake, creating an orange blob. Pellar saw the color change and, with little encouragement from Mikal, picked up a trace of Mikal’s yellow and rubbed it on his red snake to create a duplicate orange spot.

“Can you draw me a picture of yourself?” Mikal asked. “Use any color.”
Inspired, Pellar produced a multicolored self-portrait in the way of all those who were only three years old back on the long-forgotten Earth would have done—complete with arms sticking out of heads. The mouth in the big round head was upturned and smiling.
“Great! Could you draw me, too?” Mikal asked.
Pellar happily complied.
“I see my mouth is pointing down,” Mikal remarked of the finished drawing. “Are you saying I’m sad?”
Pellar nodded.
“Why is that?” Mikal asked. In response, Pellar combined all three color onto one finger tip and drew a brown shape—a long sinewy line crossed by another gull-shaped line.
“Zist, get in here!” Mikal called. Harper Zist traced inside, looking back and forth from Pellar to Mikal. “Did you tell him I was a dragonrider?”
“It may have come out,” Zist Admitted.
“Did you tell him the color of my dragon?” Mikal pointed to one drawing.
“No. I don’t think so,” Zist said, examining the drawing himself. “Come to think of it, I don’t think I ever knew myself.”
“Mmm,” Mikal grunted. He looked at Pellar and pointed at the drawing. “Is that my dragon?”
Pellar nodded, eyes sad.
“How did you know what color to paint it?” Mikal asked.
Pellar raised a paint-covered finger and gently pointed at Mikal’s eyes.



I never knew Firestone was so hard to mine. It's the strangest mineral I've ever encountered. If this phospine bearing rock meets a spark of contacts with water, it explodes. Strange mineral.
Only the shunned people mine firestone. It's is very hard to mine and very dangerous.
In the 2nd interval, there is only one firestone mine left on Pern. Until Miner Cristov, High Reaches Wingleader D'vin, Harper Kindan, Harper Pellar and Halla found a new type of Firestone. it was the Firestone where the Fire-lizard got their name from. It was not the highly volatile rock that hurts the dragon's throat.
This mineral is found near shorelines. The sea probably turned it blue-greenish in color. The dragons must take time to chew but it sustains a longer flame.


Make your own Klah!

How to make your own Earth-Brew Klah.

in a Mug of Hot water, add the following:

1/4 teaspoon coffee
Dunk a bag of Tea (Preferably English breakfast)
1 teaspoon chocolate syrup or powder
A dash of Cinnamon
1 teaspoon sugar (optional)

Stir... then enjoy while warm!

  • Klah is the drink the Pernese drink when the coffee reserves were no more. it is high in caffeine and gives the same effect as cooffee and tea.

  • It is polite to offer Klah to visitors.

Image from


Are There Dinosaurs in Pern?

Makes me wonder, are there ancient beasts in Pern? The Fire-Lizards do look like dinosaurs flying. Or for people originating from Earth, that is. Are there ancient beasts who once roamed the world of the dragons?

The Dragons and Watch-whers are bio-engineered. Felines, runner beasts, herd beasts and canines were brought by the colonist. Were there creatures that failed to evolve and died out? Are there evidences left? Or did Thread eat all of the evidences?

It just makes me wonder...

Image from:;_ylt=AmEX_1KqIG7ktw47EODwXolsaMYA


6 toes plus 4 toes is to 10!

I noticed something Unusual in Alonzo. Different from the other Fire-Lizards. Alonzo has 6 claws in front and 4 only in his hind legs. Weird.

Then again, I know my Lonzo is a special lamby.

He was very sweet the other night. Curling up to me leg and begging for a head stratch. Wonder what got into him. Maybe he did something wrong. Perhaps I better see if something was amiss in the kitchen...


Harper Me

Clothing in Pern are have variety. Women are not constrained to wearing skirts and gowns all the time. Though there is a Medieval feel to the world, it actually is not. Thanks to Dragonrider culture, it is not uncommon for women to be in tunics and trousers. For me, I love dresses and skirts. Makes me all girly. Of course, on the road, I stick to trousers of hoses. It makes everything easier.
I'm glad for the AIVAS Technology. The technicians were able to supply Weavers Hall a compendium of patterns in which clothes can efficiantly be made.
Now, Collars are decorating necklines and cuts are more flattering. Even Alonzo agrees.


Benden Hold and Weyr

Contrary to popular belief, Benden Weyr was not established by Admiral Paul Benden.
The creater to be known as the 2nd Weyr was discovered by Goldrider Torene Ostrovsky. Following the death of 3 queens who fought during a mating flight, Sorka and Sean Connel realized Fort Weyr was indeed getting too crowded. With a handful of friends, Torene was given permission to go to the site and establish it. The condition for Weyrwoman and her Weyrleader was that the first queen to fly would be Weyrwoman and the dragon who flies, its rider comes Weyrleader thus tradition started.
Later, the wine growers of Iyrne Isle went to establish themselves at the North Continent and stayed at what was now Benden Weyr. Thus, the good wines cam from Benden.
During one of Lord Jaxom's visit, he and young F'lessan encountered a secret laboratory near the hatching ground. It was later found out that this room was used to create a cure for dragon plague. This room was done during M'hall's time by Emora, Wind Blossom's daughter. Two sick Fire-Lizards journeyed to 50 years after Landing and were discovered that dragons can get sick of the Plague too. Emora and her team made sure that equipments and manuals were stored in Benden Weyr so that the dragons could be saved. Emora, as head of the College (Harper's Hall) made the drum sequence like the PNA sequence of Dragons' blood. At the Third Pass, Lorana, Harper Kindan and the rest who were desperate to save the dragons were able to create the cure and save the dragons.

  • Admiral Paul Benden is the leader of the colonists who came to Pern. he was the hero of the Nathi wars and wished to live a peaceful life after the long battles. he did have a short love encounter with Avril Bitra during the flight to Pern but he married Ju Adjai. His descendant rule Fort.
  • Mihall Connel of M'hall to the dragons was the son of Sean and Sorka. He was first Weyrleader of Benden.
  • Torene Ostrovsky's parents were geologists. That was why she was able to assess Benden Weyr as a good site. Her queen Alaranth is the first queen of Benden.
  • By the 9th Pass, Benden Weyr leads most of the other Weyrs. F'lar, Mnementh's rider, made sure to unify the Weyrs even if they are autonomous to Holds.
  • Lorana might be F'lar's ancestress.


To The Sun

The Sun is called Rukbat. It is a G Type Star in the Sagitarrian Sector.

Here is my little Alonzo flying above the cliffs. I should get myself a new assignment. Alonzo is getting restless and so am I. Pern is a big planet to discover and there are more adventures waiting.


Back in Fort

This is Fort Hold. Although this picture was drawn during the 6th Pass.
(Picture from Nerilka Book)
Fort is the Largest and Oldest Hold made in the North. It was established by Admiral Paul Benden and Governor Boll. After fleeing the South, they established a unified stronghold in the North beside a crater to be known as Fort Weyr.
Harpers Hall was beside it and it was known at the College. Soon, it separated into Harpers Hall and the Healers Hall.
At present, Lord Groghe and his numerous sons hold Fort. N'ton is the Weyrleader of Fort Weyr. MasterHarper Sebell is Master Harper of Harpers Hall and Master Oldive is Master Healer of Healers Hall.
Facts and Trivia: Admiral Benden did not establish Benden Weyr or Hold. He was fond of wine and had a vineyard in the South but the wine growers of Irne Island were the ones who moved to establish Benden Hold. Benden Weyr was established by Weyrwoman Torene as the second Weyr. Sorka and Sean Connel's Son M'hall became Weyrleader. It was here that the tradition of queen being flown started.


Mating Season

Blindy seems to be clutching. Alonzo is chasing every gold and green he can find. Even Blindy! He went back to Tillek after her. Oh, Alonzo!

My sis is running around after the pair. She wants to protect her precious Blindy (She's her Fire-Lizard) while making sure Alonzo is Ok.

Alonzo and I are distant ever time its mating season. H's after the next flying thing his way. He is also a bit distracted. He'll come around. I hope.

I love you, Alonzo.


Dragon Fighting Thread with His Rider


The Smallest Dragonboy

Before he became Weyrleader K'van of Southern Weyr, he was Keevan of Benden Weyr. A Weyrbred lad minded by his foster mother Mende. His father is Brownrider K'last. Keevan wanted to become like his father. K'last was a well respected brownrider and he was tall too. Something Keevan was not. He was small for a 12 year old and barely made it to become a weyrling.
Beterli, a bully who's been to 8 hatching and never impressed put too much pressure on the boy. Bullied him to the point of breaking his legs and head. Poor Keevan. Hatching time and he was bedridden. This was the most devastating day of his life. Beterli was sent away of course because that was not an attitude for the Weyr.
Keevan knew in his guts he had to impress this hatching. he had to prove himself. He needed a friend who would love him unconditionally and be his companion for life. He hobbled to the hatching ground with bandaged head and hurting splint leg but he made it. When he got to the hatching ground, all dragons were out of thier shell and he felt too late.
Lessa and F'lar shook their heads. 40 eggs but 39 impressed. The last bronze didn't want any of the 70 candidates present. He was looking for someone, someone in the shadows. It Keevan or now K'van. He was found by Heth.
Later, we find the pair rescuing Aramina in The Girl Who Heard Dragons and Renegades of Pern. K'van became Weyrleader of Southern at 19 years old, the youngest in record.
How dragons choose, nobody knows. It certainly not the way Kitti Ping and Wind Blossom tried to make them. It was something innate and developed within the species. Anyone could impress a Fire-Lizard. Watch-Whers can be tricky to impress but they can change people to look to. Dragons are meant for their riders and the riders and the dragon become one. They develop certain similarities and take on a human voice.



no, not a bible character

no, not a she either. Ruth is a male, a male dragon to be precise.

Ruth is the only white dragon ever in Anne's World. Apart from Ramoth, Ruth is the most important dragon in all of Pern. Ramoth is the largest and Ruth, the smallest but he has his role.

Ruth is from Ramoth's clutch. He was the last to be hatched. If fact, he was not supposed to be hatched. It seems Ruth's egg condition was not uncommon. What was uncommon is for a Lord holder to smash the egg and release Ruth. Small dragons died when they don't come out of the shell. It seems that Ruth was suffocated thus turned him small and white.

But according to N'ton, he is the combination of all colors.

The Boy and his Dragon

It was that eventful day in the Hatching ground when young Lord Jaxom smashed the last remaining egg when it stopped rocking. Ingrained in his head a respect for dragon riders, Jaxom wanted to save the dragon. He got impressed instead.

So, is the dragon the man and the man the dragon? Ruth was smashed out of his shell and Jaxom ripped from his dead mother's womb. They have an incredible bond and they can relate to each other.

Politics and Ruth

Lessa abdicated her right to Jaxom and she made sure Felessan was Weyrbred. She ensured Jaxom will continue the Ruathan Blood Line. When he impressed, there was trouble. Was he to remain in Benden? Was he to go to Fort since Ruatha is beholden to Fort Weyr? How was he to remain Lord Holder?

It was Lord Warder Lytol who made sure Jaxom stay to become Lord of Ruatha. It seems Ruth was just a sport dragon and would probably die and who better to help Jaxom through it that Lord Lytol himself who lost is beloved Brown Larth. So Ruth was allowed to be raised and Jaxom continue to be Lord Holder.

Years later, Ruth won't die and he proved to be the most valuable dragon.

Ruth's Skills

  • He always knows When he is.

  • Being small, he is agile. (A head bigger than a runner beat but good proportions)

  • All Fire-Lizards seems to be attracted to him and they tell him anything and everything.

  • He has no trouble talking to people and is not very possessive. (Jaxom is not too possessive of him either)

Ruth and his Conquests

Ruth has significant roles and a lot of small ones too of course. His significant roles changed Pern forever. Because of his abilities, he was able to silence his critiques.

  • In White Dragon, he saved Ramoth's egg and prevented a dragon against dragon fight.

  • He was able to locate D'ram 25 years back in Southern.

  • Although Jancis and Piemur discovered the Admin building where AIVAS was, it was Ruth and Jaxom who found the Landing site.

  • In All the Wyer's of Pern, he led two groups back in time and into the Red Star to blow it out of orbit.

Fire-Lizard Biscuits

My little recipe for Fire-lizard Biscuits required the tastiest fish from Tillek. A bit of storm has rocked too much boat. Mom sent a couple of Packtail for Alonzo but he refuses. He wants RedFin.
Man, this is a tough, dragonette.
Fish is fish, Alonzo.


Ruatha Hold

As long as I'm here, I went on to document as much as I could. Master Sebell thinks we could do with a bit of modernization in our records. So I must record the records. Redundant? Yes. Record them and feed it into the computers to immortalize them. MasterPrinter Tagetarl can make a bound copy called books. This can be widely available and people anywhere can read about anything around Pern.

So, let us begin with Ruatha.
(picture from Nerilka Book)
Ruatha is the second Hold to be established. During the first Pass, Fort Hold can no longer accommodate the growing population of people and runner beast. Red Haranhan, Sorka Haranhan's father, was a vet and he bred good runner beasts. He established Ruatha and named it such. Now we know why the greatest runner beasts can be found in Ruatha. Rua is the old terran Irish language meant Red and Atha mean ford. Red's ford.
For those you don't know, Sorka Haranhan was the girl who discovered the fire-lizard together with future husband and weyleader Sean Connell. Sorka's Faranth is the first senior queen. Sorka and Sean's son, M'hall, became Benden Weyrleader.

Notable ancestor were Lord Alessan and Lady Nerilka. Lord Alessan was the lover of the great Moreta, Weyrwoman of Fort Weyr in the 6th Pass. It was during the plague years when Nerilka journeyed to Ruatha to help with the plague. She disguised herself as a drudge and worked as a nurse in Ruatha. her origin was Fort Hold but her father, Lord Tolocamp, refused to help and shut Fort to prevent the Plague.
When Moreta died, Alessan wanted to die too. Nerilka urged him to live if only to give Ruatha sons and duaghters to be heir. He bargained that he would live to such point if only Nerilka would mother his children. Shocked, it was then that Alessan revealed that he knew who the strong willed drudge was. She was no other that Lady Nerilkaof Fort who Alessa's 1st wife knew. Alessan's 1st wife was Nerilka's best friend. She had a talent in sketching. Alessan saw a lot of sketched about Nerilka so it was impossible to fool him. He knew.

Nerilka agreed if only to help Ruatha but she was such a devoted wife and lady holder. Alessan couldn't ignore that. Alessan's sister Oklina was searched and she impressed a queen. From that moment on, Alessan's eyes opened and he was no longer sad. He and Nerilka lived happily and they had lots of children.
On the 8th interval, Fax, the self-proclaimed Lord of Seven Holds, invaded Ruatha and killed all of the Blood except Lessa who hid in the Watch-wher's lair and Aramina's mother (Lessa's cousin) who ran away and became a holdless.

Near the 9th Pass, Lord F'lar came on search. Canth and Mnementh could feel a strong power within the Hold and F'lar was sure there was still a person of the Blood. With Lesa's strong Telepathic powers, she made such the tension in the room led to a fight and F'lar would triumph. But this also causes Lady Gemma's water bag to break. She dies but Young Lord Jaxom was ripped from her stomach and saved. Lord F'lar gave Lessa a better option than be Lady Holder of a crumbling Hold. She was to be a weyrwoman and save Pern from Thread. So Lord F'lar took Lessa to Benden where she impressed Ramoth and the rest is Pernese History.

My Little Baby

Poor Alonzo, just a jealous bug. Ruth can't reason with him. Alonzo is just too possessive and quite Territorial too. I told Lord Jaxom to tell Ruth that he could be Fire-Lizard psychologist.
Nights in Ruatha are fun. Food is good and the fires are warm. Lonzo has no trouble picking a good comfy mat to lie in. Sometimes, he even snuggles on the cot with me. My sleeping furs would stink of Alonzo. But that's alright. I like the smell of Alonzo. That's how you'd know if you like Fire-lizards and fire-lizards like you. You get on with their smell. It's spicy and musky but smells like a baby too. hehe.
After a nice long diner and some songs, I was glad to entertain my host's children. They are quite excited about the tales I tell of my travel and the old Earth that I learned from the AIVAS machine.
I told them my sis, Aki wanted to recreate a sort of AIVAS. It's a far shot but humans just really want to make things possible because they can.
Take the dragons. Because it can be done, so it was done. Of course, it was also an essential.


End of Friendship?

Earl and Alonzo are fighting. Earl comes by a lot but they pick a fight all the time. I don't know why. I don't see who started it first.

So, I asked MasterHarper Sebell if he could assign me some temporary work at Ruatha. Maybe I can ask Lord Jaxom to ask Ruth to bespeak my Fire-Lizards. That may give me answers and maybe mediate between. Them. Menolly seems fine with that. Her Beauty and other bronzes are keeping away.
Photo Scanned from Nerilka Book

Ah... a new frontier!


The Ford of Red Haranhan
So, off I go for a good two Sevenday assignment to bring new songs and document a census. Harpers can do that for records' sake. Lord Jaxom doesn't mind.

Alonzo seems to respect Ruth. Yup. He did confide to Ruth who told Jaxom who told me. But honestly, I think I can somehow catch Ruth's thoughts just a tad bit. He is quite candid on who to speak. Also his emotions can be seem. That is, if you can call dragons emotions as such. He is quite a fine dragon. The very, very best!

Ok, Alonzo and Earl's problem: Jealousy.

Alonzo is jealous because Earl always visits me and gets a share f his food. No, silly! I always give you a big chunk and give extra to Earl! Jelly Lonzo!

Alonzo's reason is this: Earl is just a stray. He doesn't deserve food. Alonzo is my impressed lizard and is badly needing my attention. Especially because he has a threadscored ass.

Your fault, Lonzo-kins. I called you inside to hide but you wanted to sleep in the roof. Now, what do we do to Oliver? Alonzo doesn't seem to mind Oliver nicking his food now and then. Alonzo says Oliver is not his hatchling. He just gave him to me to give to Aki.

Speaking of Aki, I have to send Aki a letter. Oliver seems to have Prader-Willi Syndrome. According to Aki, Oliver eats at the usual hour with occasional snacks. Then he goes between to find me when it's my feeding time here in the North. He eats two time periods plus the occasional nicking at HarpersHall kitchen that gets me and Alonzo in trouble!

I hope he doesn't follow here at Ruatha!


A New Look

I was trying this look. I think a nice Harper Blue for my site looks better than earth and parchment look.


A Chronicle of Pern

so far...

books on Pern by the Masters: Anne McCaffrey and Todd McCaffrey



There's thread today at Fort. I'm at my usual perch, my room that is! Alonzo is sunning himself on the roof. Lazy-ass bum!
Then, thread fell. I called and called but he was too lazy to get up. Lonzo just flipped his tail to swat the flies away and continued his morning doze.
Now, he got threadscroed... in the ass!!!
Serves you right, you wawa little munchkin!
Oh, Alonzo. Now your fat little rump is scored. Healer's hall didn't want to give him any numbweed. They need all the numbweed up to Fort Weyr. Tha's N'ton orders too.
I wonder if people will have a bit of compassion for the Fire-Lizards. They may not be as useful as dragons but they are very good companions.


Little Fire-Lizards

These are the Fire-Lizards hanging around me... well... hanging around lunch time around me. They seem to do nothing but sleep, eat, run from thread fall and eat some more.
This is my handsome Alonzo. I love him dearly. He's my champion Bronze.
This is Earl who is such a rake but has no guts or balls to stand a fight or a fall.
This is Blindy. One eye blind but not afraid of anything. She is rather sweet and innocent. She is Earl's only daughter.
This stupid blue is Oliver. Oliver is Aki's fire-lizard. He pops in and out of between when he knows its feeding time. Oliver doesn't really have any good qualities except nicking food and pretending to be hungry. I think he has Prader-Willi Syndrome. His stomach bulges like he ate a whole wherry.


Fellis Juice

The Juice of the Fellis Tree is a tranquilizer. Since sleep is an effective self-healing adaptation our bodies have, it is the best we can do with threadscores skin and other ailments.
How I need a dose of that right now!


Watch-whers, the Dragons' Kin

Watch-whers are creatures taken from the same genetic material used to make the Dragons of Pern. They are not dragons but related to them. One describes a watch-wher are ugly, misshapen and thick scales.
They were created by Kitti Ping's daughter, Wind Blossom. Though, the people of Pern do not know it yet, the watch-wher have their specific tasks. They were the "balance" according to the Eridani calculation that Wind Blossom did. Dragons worked at day and watch-whers worked at night.
Watch-wher Skills
These creatures are nocturnal. They are able to see in the dark through thermal imaging. One can say they are smarter than a fire-lizard but not as strong a telepath as a dragon. They can however, communicate via telepathy to the dragons. A watch-wher can understand human speech and mind but one must understand the clicks and roars of a watch-wher.
  • A Watch-wher can fly. Resk was able to fly and go between flight. Kisk was able to go between underground.
Their original purpose was to fight thread in the night where dragons sleep and have poor night vision. They can also guide people through tunnels. In the 3rd pass, Watch-whers were turned into tunnel guides for mining activities. They sniff bad air and loose rocks. They are also hold night watch.
  • Lessa (9th Pass) was strongly bonded to the Ruathan Watch-Wher who protected her. Mnementh was able to talk to it.
Bonds and Impression
Watch-wher bonds are different from fire-lizards and dragons. They are more independent and less picky. A watch-wher dam can choose to give her eggs and then the person must feed the wher. When the wher is old enough, one must perform the blood bond. It is simple giving the watch-wher a taste of the handler's blood. This strengthens their link to each other.
Unlike dragons, once a handler dies, the wher can be given a new handler. They change their name to the next person who bloods them.
Watch-wher Names
Watch-wher has a different and unique naming system. For Fire-lizards, one can name them anything you want like Poll, Bob, Beauty, etc. Dragons have their own names the moment they hatch. They tell the rider the moment of impression. The last letters of the name ends in th. Example: Ramoth, Canth, Ruth. Reasons behind this is because they have forked tongues thus their lisped speech.
Watch-whers can tell you their names but they take the name from their handlers and add sk in the end. Example; Kindan's green watch-wher's name is Kisk. Kindan gave her to Nuella and her name changed to Nuellsk.
If a hold owns the watch-wher, the name of the wher is taken from the name of the hold plus sk in the end. Example; the Lemos watch-wher's name is Lemosk.



Why did we name him Oliver? Well, this blue fire-lizard is an orphan thus his earthly name suits just fine. Plus he has this habbit of asking for food and nicking it a lot (and gets caught!)
If you know the play (musical) he says "Please sir, I want so more."
Evertime I look at him, he seems to be saying that in my mind.
For heaven's sake, you little blue, talk to your Aki! I have enough to feed without you!



I never knew there was so much work to be done with Horses. Then again, there's so much work to be done with Fire-lizards and dragons.
They all have to be oiled, excercised and fed.
Little Blue Oliver has been trailing me for some days now. He pops in and out of between even in my room. Alonzo knows when my private time is so he keeps out. This blue however has an insatiable appetite and has a habbit of following me when its lunch and dinner.
This morning, he was caught stealing food in the kitchen. He munched up a loaf of bread but won't finish it. He wants salty food and not too tough a meat.


Time home

I'm staying at Harpers Hall just until after the gather at Fort Hold. I'm heading back home again. I know it seems I'm like an aimless traveller but I need to explore the land. Being stuck in one place is not my cup of tea. Hopefully, I can also join the gather at Ruatha after Fort.
I would like to see Ruth.


Time to come home

Goodbye South...

My long vacation and frolicking under the tropics it at an end. It is getting too hot and I'm having a heat stroke. Kind of a dregonrider to convey me to Harpers Hall. I'll never forget her. All I had to exchange for my taxi ride is a song.

Alonzo and oliver are glad to tag along. Alonzo was getting to hotheaded. Maybe because of oliver. (Aki's little blue)

Little oliver tags along when its feeding time. When he had his fill, he will disappear to the between and sleep on Aki's lap while she sits on her bum the whole day using her computer.

Well, back to work.


Oh Alonzo...

I forgive you for giving me this pathetic little blue to give to Aki. She loves it.
Although I should say it is quite useless because he doesn"t even know how to fetch things. He hates being groomed and hates to be cuddled.
But he loves to tag along.
Alonzo and I get ready to move again. We will be visitng Cove hold this week and maybe Paradise River next week. From there, it's back home to the North Continent. I shall be missing South. It is like a dream home. But this heat is really killing me. Perhaps in four month's time I am ready to come back.


A Blue!

The time has come for the little egg to hatch and so I hurried to Landing in Aki's little house/pad. Well, she was excited. Then, the egg rocked and started to break. We had our bowl of meat readied.
Suddenly, a head came out and it was BLUE!!!
Blue? I told Lonzo to get me a bronze or gold!!! What? Why blue? It doesn't even look like him. It might not have been his son either! Man, Lonzo! You could have given me a wherry egg and I just took it you silly creep!
Man, now he's staying in the roof. Come down here, Alonzo!
Ah well, at least Aki is happy no matter what color she gets. As long at she has a little fire-lizard following her around.
Man, a blue!


Scenes from Southern

The continents of Pern are large big chunks. They are massive and only two, north and south. The South is tropical and the coasts are lines with beach.

A, the beach! Its so good to swim!

O O o o o O 0 o o o 0 0 0 o O O O 0 o o o o 0 0 0 o o o o 0 o O 0 o o o o


Ah Southern...

I now reach the docs of Southern Hold. It is huge. Lord Toric sure knows haw to expand! This is the most complete civilization in Pern. Lord Toric made sure he had as much crafts in his hold. There's a good amount of Harpers, Healers, Miners, etc...
Since it is near Landing, schoolig and technology is available. I'm staying a couple days here to explore then heading to Landing with a caravan. Even though Southern is strict when it comes to migrating people, there are still renegades sneaking and creeping around. There are also felines!
OOO! Tragic things would happen if you were attacked by felines. Take a look at Bronze Golanth, Bronze Rider F'lessan and Green Zaranth. Awful!
I have to report to Harpers Minihall here. They can give me lodgings and some assignments to do while here. That could earn me a purse.

Alonzo, stick close! Make sure you don't get into trouble. There are so many wild Fire-lizards and I don't want you fighting them.

The Lessons of the Past

Its been three days since I dream of flooding. What does it mean? New Year Ghosts? Is one coming soon? Have the AIVAS Project have a side effect after all?

This is scary. We must remember our Earth. Tamper with Mother Nature and she will retaliate. Mother Nature is not limited to the planet. She is the whole universe.

The Dolphins keep reminding me. They tell me I should remember the Ancients. Dolphins are the keeper of the Ancient knowledge. Even before Pern, the remember the lores of Earth and the histories they carry. They even introduced me to a new term: Herstory.

Southern Soon

Tomorrow, the captain said we would arrive at Southern Hold tomorrow. Great! Because my Alonzo-kins is still sick. I fed him wherry soup. They say its good for colds.


Sea sick journey...

My journey to the Southern is a long one. For one thing it is not instant. It is by boat. I haven't met a dragon rider who can take me there plus I can't 'coz the little egg might get addled by the time I get it to Landing.
Alonzo is sick. He's having colds. I mixed a cold medicine in milk and gave it to him. He's fine this morning but still feeling sick.
The shipfishes are swiming beside the boat all day and all night. Throw them something and they toss it back to you... considering it is not edible!


Trip to the South

Alonzo is getting seasick but at least he gets all the food he can eat. Fish is his favorite food and he can catch them at a whim.
The dolphins are staying close to the boat. They just eant to make sure we don't go astray in our course or catch a nasty squall. They are really dedicated. This beats water traffic. The dolphins do it for the boat. I wonder when Master Fandarel can make more radios for sea traffic?
Oh well. Aki will be waiting for me!


An Egg

I spotted Lonzo fighting with a proddy Gold this morning. What the argument was about? Food, property, space. The usual. Stupid Erl was just looking and when the fight escalated, he ran away! Coward! I spotted him hiding under the water tanks. Lonzo gave me a rather ominous little egg. Must be the fire-lizard egg he promised. I wonder what color. Can't be gold or bronze, too small. Maybe a small bronze? It could probably be a brown!

So, I'm taking the next ship to the Southern Continent!

Golds are Clutching!

I hope Lonzo will give me an egg. Aki said she really wants a fire-lizard egg. When Lonzo gets me one, I'll go bring her the egg.

Hey, what if there was a sort of tamagochi which are fire-lizard? That would be the rage! They come in 5 different colors and would communicate to other tamagochi consuls and hopefully clutch during certain season. It would chirp when there's another person with a fire-lizard tamagochi. I wish it could send messages like a text phone!


Fire-lizard Food

Here's how to make your own fire-lizard food.
Salt- a pinch Egg- 2pcs.
Flour- two cups Milk- a cup
Baking powder- a pinch
Dried fish bits- depends on fire-lizard's taste, can be substituted to wherry meat

Fire up your big oven and prepare several flat pans. Combine flour, salt and baking powder together in a large bowl. Make a well in between the mixture and add eggs. Mix then gradually add milk. When there is no more lumps, add wherry meat or fish meat.
Spread flat about half an inch and cut into shapes. I prefer little dragonette and egg shapes. You can make fish of wherry shapes. make sure to make them bite sizes! Bake for about 10 to 15 minutes.

There, these can keep as long as a week. You can keep in your belt bag and feed your little fire-lizard anytime, anywhere!

I know I do! Lonzo is always hungry. Besides, every time I walk along the sandy dunes, Erl and other of Lonzo's friends want a snack! Erl is so nice to touch. He takes care of his hide well for a wild fire-lizard.


Back home with the Lizards and the Dolphins

Lonzo is out hunting or whatever he's doing. I met his little bronze friend, Erl Grey. We call him that because he has lots of splotched of grey on his bronze hide. Erl had sired a clutch the previous season and gave the household brown Turl as a common lizard for messages. He hates to be touched but he'll do anything if you feed him. Turl is a silent one.

Diki showed us her new fire-lizard. Its one of Erl Grey's recent clutches. Her new fire-lizard she calls Blindy. Blindy has an interesting history. Her mother took off into the between to save herself from threadfall. In the process, some of her clutch became addled and some came out deformed. Five eggs hatched. Blindy was born with one eye. The other eye simply was not there but she's a beautiful gold. Another from the clutch was deformed. This little blue was born small and completely blind. He didn't last long.

Blindy is very affectionate but very greedy for food. She's ever so fat for a small queen. Diki's having a hard time oiling her everyday because of her growing size. I do hope she's like her other. I know that big gold. She's so big and heats like a green!

Mother and Father hates fire-lizard. They are one of those who thinks fire-lizards are a pest. The only thing they think they're useful is scaring tunnel snakes.

The Dolphins are happy to see me. They love to play and are happy to see that I'm once again able to play with them. I do love the water. Lonzo hates water. I must swim at least once a month or I shall dry up. I always thought I had a bit of a dolphin's blood in me. I'm playful and love the water too much.

Lonzo, Lonzo

I know golds are in heat. Lonzo is getting missing more and more often. I know he's getting back to Tillek because of that. And me... I'm the fool going to Tillek because of that too. I'm being commanded by my smart-ass lizard. I did have a one on one to with him, a sincere talk. I told him to give me at least one egg to give to Aki. Aki want a lizard, you see. People in the South have a lizard each or two. Its so hard to get a fire-lizard. Masters and holders get them first. I was lucky enough to get Alonzo.
Now, I hope Alonzo gets me a nice fine Bronze like himself. Another message carrier in the family is very useful.


In the Weyr

Thread falls and I'm kind enough to be given shelter in Fort Weyr!
The first Weyr to be established by the ancients! Imagine that! You can see the smooth stone cut tunnels and chambers and I get to stay the night!
Its fun being a harper. Master Robinton and the Benden Leaders have put the Harper back to their status. I'm appreciating the hospitality and being appreciated at the same time. Now, let me sing these riders a good song as a good harper should.

While I'm here, I should tell you about Weyr and weyr structure.

The Residents

There are roughly 300 to 500 weyrs for the dragons. Benden can hold up to 500 dragons. Dragons do want personal spaces even if their riders don't mind a shared space.

Dragonriders - each rider has a weyr (the cave structure where they dwell.) In each weyr there are the basic amenitites including bed and bathing facility and a dragon's couch.

Weyrlings - the come at the age of at least 12 and live dormitory style in the lower cavern. These youths who have impressed a dragon do not need a big space because their dragons are still small.

Lower Caverns staff - These are the staff that cook, clean and -some- relieve the sexual tensions of the riders. These people can be candidates who failed to impress, children of the dragonriders or children of the staff themselves. These are some people who do come to the Weyr for protection or simply wishing to live the way life in a Weyr.

Weyr brats - Children born in the Weyr. They are fostered out to the lower caverns if from dragonriders.

Candidates - 12 to 18 year old who are brought from the search to be impressed. They may or may not be impressed.

Craftsmen - There are craftsmen in the weyr to function autonomously. Such craftsmen include: harpers, healers, leather tanners, smiths, etc... There are some who are dragonriders who are also craftsmen like C'gan (Died on the first fall of the present pass) who was a weyrsinger, K'tan (3rd Pass) who was Weyrhealer.

The Fall of...

On my way back home, I'm caught in threadfall! So, I rush to the nearest cavern to take shelter while the fall rains down.

Let me tell you what Thread is.

Thread is the term given by the Ancients to the falling micorhizoid spores that rain on the planet every two hundred years for fifty years. It is silvery and rains down devouring everything organic. Water drowns it and fire chars it.

What brings about thread? When the Red Star nears the planet, it tows the deadly spores in its wake. This Red Star is actually an irregular planet. When the Red Star is in aphelion, it touches the Oort cloud and when it is in perihelion, the spores and thrown to Pern.

Some terms you need to know:

Pass - The Pass is the fifty years when thread falls to Pern.
Interval - The two hundred years in wait for the Pass is called the Interval.
Long Interval - There are times when Thread does not fall. It is called a long interval. It skips its pass so the interval totals to 450 turns. There were only two recorded Long Intervals.

Agenothree - This is actually HNO3. One of the ancients said it so fast it sounded like agenothree. This chemical can burn thread while acting as fertilizer for the plants.
Burrow - A single thread that escapes the charring of dragon's fire. It digs itself under ground and devours miles of organic material.
Ovoid - The frozen state of thread. It has an ice shell and it vacuum sealed inside. This stage of thread is not deadly. When it hits the atmosphere, the ice membrane is burned off releasing the deadly micorhizoid.

The people involved in Threadfall:

The Dragonriders- there is usually at least three Flights involved. A flight has seven wings and a wing is composed of at least 12 dragonriders.
Sweepriders- after a fall, the wingleader assign sweepriders to look for burrowing thread or anyone in need of help.
Queen's wing- The queen cannot chew firestone therefor the Weyrwoman brings a long nuzzled flamethrower. The has her owns wing and they fly closer to the ground since only golds have long wings that can allow them to safely gluide lowest.
Ground crew- The ground crew is composed of the hall or hold where thread falls. They carry flamethrowers and agenothree tans to char any thread that escapes the wings or queen's wing.


Alonzo goes Home

About this bronze...
Name: Alonzo
Nickname: Lonzo
Color: Bronze
Size/length: 36 inches from nose to tail
Age: 3 turns
Birthplace: Tillek Sand Dunes
Favorite food: Spiced Wherries, packtail and redfins (only proteins)
Hobbies: Chasing greens, sleeping, eating, fighting browns and smaller bronze
Strength: Able to carry heavier loads, knows how to toggle buttons, knows how to open doors and windows without having to go between, good listener
Weakness: Food, food, food... oh and mating golds and greens

Alonzo wants to go home. He's been popping in and out of the between and I know he's been back home to Tillek. Well, maybe its time to go home and have a little vacation. Swimming with dolphins does sound nice after an inland journey.


A little game


Lioth-N'ton Mnementh-F'lar Golanth-F'lessan Gaddareth-T'lion
Tiroth-D'ram Monarth-T'gellan Canth-F'nor


A cry in the night

Don't leave me alone
The cry in the night
Of anguish heart-striking
Of soul-killing fright.

Live for my living
Or else I must die
Don't leave me alone
A world heard that cry.

Menolly's composition just after F'nor fell from the Red Star (DragonSinger by Anne McCaffrey)

My favorite couple from the series, F'nor and Brekke.



The little queen all golden
Flew hissing at the sea
To stop each wave
Her clutch to save
She ventured bravely

As she attacked the sea in rage
A holdergirl came nigh
Along the sand
Fishnet in hand
And saw the queen midsky

She stared at her in wonder
For often she'd been told
That such as she
Could never be
Who hovered there, bright gold

She saw her plight and quickly
She looked up the cliff she faced
And saw a cave
Above the wave
In which her eggs she placed

The little queen all golden
Upon her shoulder stood
Her eyes all blue
Glowed of her true
Undying gratitude

First page of DragonSinger by Anne McCaffrey (Originally, Menolly wrote this in a boy's point of view. I changed all he to she)

Menolly, a seaholder's daughter from Half Circle Sea Hold, was a genius with music and composition. Her father doesn't approve of lady harpers and has often beat her up when he finds her tuning.
It was Robinton's father who trained Menolly. Petiron went to Half Circle Seahold after Robinton became MasterHarper. Menolly ran away after Petiron's death and her unfortunate accident while gutting packtail fish.
She then discovered a clutch of fire-lizard eggs and lo and behold, 9 hatched and she impressed all of them. Then, she was caught out by threadfall. A rider rescued her and brought her to Benden. There, she met T'gellan and Mirim. It was also there that Harper Elgion discovered her and pointed her to Master Robinton.
At Harpers Hall, She is Master Robinton's apprentice who excells in all classes. Piemur and Camo befriends her. They are her only friends. She gets her journeywoman's knots in two weeks!

The reason Robionton liked Menolly is because she reminded him of himself when he was still young. He often tuned simple tunes that were very easy to sing, even for the common people. She was also a woman harper. His mother was the greatest woman harper known during her days. She was also a very sought after singer.

If Menolly trains your fire-lizard, they tend to be more reliable. Having nine, she knows how to handle them.

Gee, I only have one and he's a big trouble already. Aside from being a pet and message carrier, my Alonzo is like a little baby. (a wise-ass baby!)
I wanted him to eat now before I clear up the breakfast table. I had to coax him for ten minutes before he would eat pancake! Now he asks for more! What a pig!

Menolly's Fair of Lizards:
Gold - Beauty
Bronze - Rocky, Diver, Poll (Beauty's clutch)
Brown - Lazybones, Mimic, Brownie
Green - Auntie One, Auntie Two
Blue - Uncle

Piemur of Pern

Piemur is a Harper Journeyman.

His journeys started in Harpers Hall. He is a son of a herdsman introduced in Dragon Singer as Menolly's first friend in Harpers Hall. He is mischievous but is tolerated because of his high soprano voice.
In Dragon Drums, he looses his voice and is no longer Master Shonagar's apprentice. Luckily, Master Robinton has plans for him. Piemur is placed in the Drum Heights to learn drum codes. Nobody but the Master, Menolly and Sebell know that Piemur is Master Robinton's secret apprentice. He goes to undercover missions for Robinton. In one of those missions, he steals a queen egg from Lord Meron of Nabol and is accidentally transported to the Southern Continent. Sharra discovers him and brings him to Southern Hold.
Lord Torric of Southern thinks drum heights is a good idea. Piemur remains in the south to teach drum codes. He shows interest in Sharra but Torric doesn't approve. Torric then sends him back to Harpers Hall to get his journeyman knots. He does and went back to Southern. He explores the whole of Southern Continent for Torric and Master Robinton but his first priority is for the good Harper. He discovers the Paradise River and helps Jayge acquire it as a permanent Hold. Piemur's volcano is one of his discoveries.
Piemur is taken by a girl named Jancis. He couldn't believe she was a smith journeywoman and still so thin. Jancis is actually Master Fandarel's granddaughter. Jancis discovers the AIVAS building and Piemur demanded Jancis gets the credit. They marry and soon, the AIVAS project takes place.

There was a man named Tea Mur in the Irish legends. It means The Graveyard of Tea because the man drinks tea like crazy. I understand now why Piemur loves Bubbly pies.

I love this guys character. He's so fun loving and isn't afraid to cease the day! Aky loves this guy too. Though, she actually hasn't read him yet but I keep telling her about him. He's really a funny guy. Do you know the name of his runner beast is Stupid?
He's street smart for a Pernese and is really witty.