The little queen all golden
Flew hissing at the sea
To stop each wave
Her clutch to save
She ventured bravely
As she attacked the sea in rage
A holdergirl came nigh
Along the sand
Fishnet in hand
And saw the queen midsky
She stared at her in wonderFor often she'd been toldThat such as sheCould never beWho hovered there, bright goldShe saw her plight and quickly
She looked up the cliff she faced
And saw a cave
Above the wave
In which her eggs she placed
The little queen all golden
Upon her shoulder stood
Her eyes all blue
Glowed of her true
Undying gratitude
First page of DragonSinger by Anne McCaffrey (Originally, Menolly wrote this in a boy's point of view. I changed all he to she)
Menolly, a seaholder's daughter from Half Circle Sea Hold, was a genius with music and composition. Her father doesn't approve of lady harpers and has often beat her up when he finds her tuning.
It was Robinton's father who trained Menolly. Petiron went to Half Circle Seahold after Robinton became MasterHarper. Menolly ran away after Petiron's death and her unfortunate accident while gutting packtail fish.
She then discovered a clutch of fire-lizard eggs and lo and behold, 9 hatched and she impressed all of them. Then, she was caught out by threadfall. A rider rescued her and brought her to Benden. There, she met T'gellan and Mirim. It was also there that Harper Elgion discovered her and pointed her to Master Robinton.
At Harpers Hall, She is Master Robinton's apprentice who excells in all classes. Piemur and Camo befriends her. They are her only friends. She gets her journeywoman's knots in two weeks!
The reason Robionton liked Menolly is because she reminded him of himself when he was still young. He often tuned simple tunes that were very easy to sing, even for the common people. She was also a woman harper. His mother was the greatest woman harper known during her days. She was also a very sought after singer.
TriviaIf Menolly trains your fire-lizard, they tend to be more reliable. Having nine, she knows how to handle them. Gee, I only have one and he's a big trouble already. Aside from being a pet and message carrier, my Alonzo is like a little baby. (a wise-ass baby!)I wanted him to eat now before I clear up the breakfast table. I had to coax him for ten minutes before he would eat pancake! Now he asks for more! What a pig!Menolly's Fair of Lizards:
Gold - Beauty
Bronze - Rocky, Diver, Poll (Beauty's clutch)
Brown - Lazybones, Mimic, Brownie
Green - Auntie One, Auntie Two
Blue - Uncle