
The Story of Peppi

Peppi, or formally as Pepper, is my brown fire-lizard. My Alonzo is not only my scout and companion, he is also my living garbage disposal and egg collector. Wherry eggs for food and trade and fire-lizard eggs to sell and give to Harpers Hall. There is always a demand for these critters ever since F'nor impressed his. Years later, the fad is what tricks can yours do or what fashionable collars they wear.
So, as the MasterHarper, Sebell has tasked all journeyman/women to hand over eggs. Being an underpaid Harper, I take half back to the hall and half to the market. I have to journey, circulate the HarperHall Edicts, messages and new music, you know.

One faithful day in the coasts of Ista, Alonzo has brought the newly hatched Peppi. He was blotchy dark and light and spicy smelling so I called him Pepper then it kinda evolved to Peppi as the days gone by. First, I panicked! I took care of Alonzo with my sisters. Now, this little brown is keeling and thrashing about. It's wings were broken. I had a job to do and there was a fire-lizard wanting my attention. So, my lovable Alonzo took the time to feed, nurse and teach him. I'm glad it worked out.
Now, I have two official Fire-Lizards and three trailing around me. Earl is always close by, popping in and out, to see if I can spare him some food. Blindy hangs out too. My sis sends her to me. Oliver, my other sis' fire-lizard always hangs around too just for the food. My nerdy sis at Landing is clearly not taking care of him. These lizards needs some time to bond with their owners and share some brain juice! This blue could sure use some.

oh, Blindy gave birth to three little eggs last week!