We got invited to Southern after our little visit to Cove Hold. The Weyr has had its improvement since the days of the Oldtimers. The history of Southern Weyr started 10 Turn
s before the 9th Pass. F'lar sent F'nor and the Benden Weyrlings to grow up and train in the South. T'bor and Kylara are the Weyrleaders. Threadscored riders were sent to Southern to recuperate. F'nor was once sent there to recuperate from a wound. It was there he discovered Grall and the Fire-lizards. When the Oldtimers were banished, T'bor moved to High Reaches and T'kul and the rest who would not go with F'lar are sent to Southern. After the Fiasco at the open flight in Ista, D'ram took over the Southern Weyr. When he retired, young K'van flew the queen and became the new Weyrleader of Southern at age 19 Turns.

A cousin of our invited us to watch a hatching. It was very emotional. People were happy and riders were born out of children. It was clearly a Harper moment. I didn't get a chance to sing. It was time other harpers sang.

Nobody actually knowns how a dragon chooses its rider but a dragon never errs.
pictures from Dragonlovers Guide to Pern
I have read several of your blogs. You are a great writer. I love your posts because they are very expressive and tell us just what the journeywoman is thinking. Have you ever thought about playing in a PBeM group? If so you should check out my blog called Calling at Pernese, or out site www.geocities.com/storm_fires
Thank you. I hope my posts and future posts will help you more.
I like your site. The Dragon Yin-Yang is so cool. I did look around for other Weyrs but none like AIVAS and the 9th Pass. Your site doesn't like to find AIVAS. I want to try to keep up with the books.
Please leave me more comments and suggestions. It can help my site.
Harper Maity
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